Thursday, October 23, 2008

Arts and Education Issue of the Urban Ed Journal

Please submit to the upcoming arts and education issue of the wonderful Urban Ed journal.

Their announcement is as follows:

Volume 6, Issue 2 - Arts and Education

The Penn GSE Perspectives on Urban Education Journal is now accepting submissions for the upcoming issue, which will focus on the topic of arts in education. Whether included in the classroom curriculum, supplied by visiting artists, or incorporated into afterschool and community-based programming, integrated and discipline-based arts education is widely perceived by both researchers and practitioners to be a public and private good. In this issue, the journal seeks to elaborate the discussion of arts in education in urban areas. How is the relationship between arts and education understood and practiced in urban areas? On the one hand, educators understand how arts serve as a platform to engage students and foster growth; on the other hand, issues of funding, time management, and local and national school mandates often limit the integration and implementation of arts. How do educators, students, and parents negotiate these factors as they bring arts into learning environments?

This is a broad topic, with both "arts" and "education" understood as including but not limited to visual, performing, creative, and expressive arts in K-12, college, university, and community contexts. We encourage researchers, graduate students, practitioners, policy makers, and youth to publish studies in progress, as well as findings from completed research and reflections on practice. We welcome submissions that present content in creative ways through multimedia formats. Submissions must follow the style outlined in the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (2001, 5th edition). Please complete the submission form found on our website and e-mail it along with your submission to

Submission due date: February 15, 2009

Visit Urban Ed Journal for more information.


. said...

victory in japan

Dorothea Lasky said...

victory everywhere
